Welcome to The Mare and Foal Sanctuary
The place for people who want to make a difference to the lives of horses, ponies and foals. We’re unlocking a world of natural, wild beauty where ponies and people who were struggling can enjoy life again.
children and young people attended equine assisted learning and activity sessions last year
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A cold, wet winter has brought with it many challenges
In the winter months, the cold and wet weather provides many challenges. These are felt by our dedicated grooms and by horse owners across the country.
Caring for horses and ponies in winter is particularly hard work. In fact, every year it gets harder as costs rise rapidly and the weather is more unpredictable. It’s your vital support that allows us to be there for them every day.
Can you help keep horses and ponies safe and warm at this difficult time of year?
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Rehome a Horse
For every equine we rescue, we must also ensure they have lifelong care. Our carers who rehome through our Sanctuary at Home scheme are a group of very special people who help make this possible for over 400 horses and ponies today.
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