Raise a Welfare Concern

The Mare and Foal Sanctuary supports people to raise welfare concerns in confidence. We then work with the owner to address the problems they are facing and make sure everything is properly followed up.

We offer non-judgemental, no-shame advice and outreach to owners who are struggling with their horses and ponies for whatever reason. Our aim is to keep the horse or pony with the owner whenever possible.

We work collaboratively with other welfare organisations. We are long-term members of the National Equine Welfare Council’s South West and Southern regions.

Contact our Welfare and Rehoming Team on 01626 355969, by emailing equine@mareandfoal.org or by using the form below. All reports are treated with strictest confidence.

We don’t prosecute but we do actively intervene offering informal and formal advice notices if needed. Unfortunately we’re unable to respond to welfare concerns that are not in our catchment areas of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset and parts of Gloucestershire. Please visit the National Equine Welfare Council website to find an organisation in your area.

Your Name (Optional)
We will use the personal information on this form to contact you regarding your welfare concern.