Name Announced for our 1000th Rescue
We recently invited the public to help us celebrate a historic milestone for the Sanctuary by naming our 1000th rescue.
We’re pleased to announce the name of Fuzzy Bear’s foal. The beautiful filly has been named Teyah, suggested by Tracey Mann, and we couldn’t think of a better fit…
Teyah meaning ‘precious’ and ‘caring’.
Teyah is fortunate to have been born into the safety of the Sanctuary and is our 1000th rescue since we began. Her dam, Fuzzy Bear was rescued as part of a multi-agency rescue led by the RSPCA which resulted in the owner being prosecuted for causing unnecessary suffering to animals.
Teyah herself required life-saving treatment shortly after she was born.
We called in Richard Frost, our Sanctuary vet, as her condition deteriorated. He said:
“When I examined the foal, she was bright and still interested in suckling from Fuzzy Bear, but the signs were starting to get worse. The retention of meconium – the foal’s first sticky droppings – is the most common cause of colic in new-born foals, so we started treatment and she responded well.
“Unfortunately, the following day she started showing similar signs again which made ‘meconium retention’ less likely to be the cause of her abdominal pain. Foals can deteriorate into life threatening situations very quickly, so we made the decision to refer her for further investigation.”
We rushed Fuzzy Bear and her foal to the team at Western Counties Equine Hospital where she stayed for five days of intensive care.
Richard explained the treatment she had:
“Their investigations suggested that the cause of the pain was a spasming of her urethra which was preventing her from emptying her bladder. A catheter was placed to allow her to urinate freely and she was monitored carefully over the next few days. Once the catheter was removed and it was clear that the foal could urinate normally, they were allowed to return to our sanctuary.
“This has been a scary start to life for Fuzzy’s foal but there shouldn’t be any long-term damage and she should go on to be a strong healthy foal.”
Over the last two weeks we have received hundreds of name suggestions and well wishes for her, and we just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has got involved.
Teyah will receive the protection and safety of our Sanctuary for life thanks to your ongoing support.