A cold, wet winter has brought with it many challenges.
In the winter months, the cold and wet weather provides many challenges. These are felt by our dedicated grooms and by horse owners across the country.
Caring for horses and ponies in winter is particularly hard work. In fact, every year it gets harder as costs rise rapidly and the weather is more unpredictable. It’s your vital support that allows us to be there for them every day.
Can you help keep horses and ponies safe and warm at this difficult time of year?

At 7.45am on a chilly morning Amy makes her way around the stables filling hay nets and greeting horses. It’s cold and dark, but she brings food, comfort and joy to the yard.
It’s been a difficult winter so far with rain, storms and icy cold temperatures for our teams to contend with. Yet, the day-to-day tasks still need to be completed, from mucking out to topping up food and water. Horse care is a 365 day a year commitment no matter the weather.
Amy delivers fresh hay to the furthest fields where the grass is depleted. On her way she checks that the water troughs haven’t frozen over and that fencing and field shelters are in good condition.
Then it’s back to the yard to meet the vet who has arrived to visit our horses with health conditions. Arab mare, Faline, is currently being treated for ongoing lameness and has planned vet checks.
Next, Amy visits Moorland foal, Little Nev, who is now five months old and well into his basic training. He has met the farrier and the vet and is now used to wearing his small headcollar and being led to and from the field. Over the cold, dark winter months it is important to check on him more regularly.

At 4.30pm Leah has just arrived back from a welfare check on a group of vulnerable horses. They have been out in all conditions, so she is monitoring their body condition closely, looking out for any weight loss.
Leah looks out for conditions such as rain scald, mud fever and abscesses which are prevalent at this time of year, as well as checking that their basic needs of food, water and shelter are being met.
In the last few months, our welfare team have seen a rise in behavioural issues and requests from owners for help tackling them. The reduction in daylight hours has decreased handling and training opportunities for many owners and the wet conditions only make matters worse.

Every year it gets harder…
Come rain or shine we are here to help horses and ponies thrive. Just as we have been for the last 37 years since Rosemary Kind founded the charity. Every year it gets harder as costs rise rapidly and the weather is more unpredictable, but with your vital support we will be there for them.
Together we can provide a lifetime of love, kindness and care.